Two-tone combinations — of yellow and white gold, yellow gold and sterling silver, or yellow gold and platinum — tend to cycle in and out of fashion, but make no mistake: 2024 is a mixed metal kind of year. And for that, jewelry lovers should be grateful. Those of us who own and love both colors of metal now have permission to pile ’em all on!

Made Well: Dainty Diamonds and Pearls
Most women, on most days, prefer the look of smaller, wearable jewels to the honking statement pieces championed by fashion magazines. Whether it’s a thin gold stacking band set with a baguette-cut diamond, a long drop earring anchored by a single seed pearl or a vintage bangle bracelet lined with tiny sparkling stones, everyday jewels featuring diamonds and pearls are the building blocks of a jewelry wardrobe. And once you have those, you’re free to go big and bold!
Bead It: The Best of Beaded Jewelry
If the mention of beaded jewelry conjures images of surfer bros decked out in cheap and cheerful cord bracelets, your knowledge of the category is a bit behind the times. Fine jewelry designers have embraced the ancient jewelry style in casual yet sophisticated designs featuring precious stone beads (think opals, sapphires and tourmalines) in a riot of vivid colors. For anyone who admires a bohemian aesthetic, beaded jewels are de riguer.